PDNS Manager features a powerful API, which enables you to update records pragmatically whilst providing some helper functions at the same time.

This can be used, for example, to achieve a Dynamic DNS service.


Update via GET request

The most simple API is to update a record via a simple GET request. Therefore, you must create the record you wish to update.

The next step is to enable remote access for that record. Therefore, click on the key symbol, which is the last icon in the record row.

Then click on Password. Enter a description for that API access and supply a password. Repeat the password and confirm it with Add.


Now everything is configured to update the record remotely. To do so, make a request to:

GET https://dns.example.com/api/v1/remote/updatepw?record=<recordId>&password=<pass>&content=<content>
parameter explanation
record The id of the record to update
content The new content
password The password used for authentication
code result
204 Everything okay, therefore content is empty
403 No permission for the given record
404 Record does not exist
422 One of the required arguments is missing

Get IP via API

You can read your client IP address using a GET request as the following:

GET https://dns.example.com/api/v1/remote/ip

You get a JSON like the following:

    "ip": ""

Get servertime via API

You can read the server time using a GET request as the following:

GET https://dns.example.com/api/v1/remote/servertime

You receive a JSON like the following:

    "time": 1525006738

Post API with signature

PDNS Manager also has an API, which uses asymmetric cryptography as authentication method. This API is used via HTTP POST requests.

A client for that API implemented in a simple bash script is available. The client is described first, afterwards the protocol is described.

Using the client software

To get the client, it is obligated to have git installed first. If this is not the case you can do that for Debian using:

sudo apt-get install git

The client depends on jq and curl, which can be installed as follows:

sudo apt-get install jq curl

Now you can clone the repository into a directory of your choice, and change your path to the cloned repository.

git clone https://github.com/loewexy/pdns-client
cd pdns-client

In the next step you have to generate a RSA keypair using:


This creates two files: pdns.private.pem and pdns.public.pem

Get the public key using cat:

cat pdns.public.pem

Copy the output to the clipboard. Now go to PDNS Manager and add the record you want to update. Click on the key symbol, the last icon in the record row.

On the following page, press Key. Enter some description and paste the public key from the clipboard into the text field.

Confirm your inputs with Save.

Now, back on your local machine, you can call the client with data of your choice like the following:

./pdns-client -s https://dns.example.com/ -i <recordId> -c <content>


This should update the data you requested.

You can get more options of pdns-keygen and pdns-client through the -h option, which will give you some hints about what you can do.

API description

The POST API is very simple. You need a RSA keypair and you must be able to sign data with it.

To obtain the signature you must have a Unix-Timestamp with sufficient precision. You can obtain it from the server with the GET /api/v1/remote/servertime API. Concatenate the record id (as string), the content and the timestamp (also as string). Sign this data with SHA512 using your private key and base64 encode the signature.

POST https://dns.example.com/api/v1/remote/updatekey
  "record": 5,
  "content": "",
  "time": 1525009108,
  "signature": "YIRJppYL55dOuC[...]u0sXYgClo="
parameter explanation
record The id of the record to update
content The new content
time The unix timestamp used in the signature
signature The signature
code result
204 Everything okay, therefore content is empty
403 No permission for the given record
404 Record does not exist
422 One of the required arguments is missing